1.01 World Net


1.01 World Net Publishing

So ... what do we publish?

1.01 World Net Publishing

As the publishing arm of 1.01 World Net™, 1.01 World Net Publishing manages and publishes various websites, including: 1.01 World Net BoK and Tim StiX Magazine.

1.01 World Net, a shining light in the Universe of Things.

For further information see our About Us page.
  1.01 World Net BoK:
A BOK or BoK is a Body of Knowledge such as: a library, a website or a collection of information.
Publish: Prepare & issue
1. prepare and issue (a book, magazine, composition etc)
2. make available online
Mid 14th century, publishen: from Latin publicare

1.01 World Net Publishing: select articles ...

1.01 World Net Launch

Welcome to 1.01 World Net: part of the 1.01 World Net BOK. A Knowledge Base of Stories, Articles and other Intriguing Stuff.

February 1, 2023
1.01 World Net
Launch Day

So ... who the hell is Tim StiX?


Welcome to The BoK: Advancing Your Own Website with a Knowledge Base of Net-Tech Articles and other Intriguing Stuff.

If this is your first visit to our humble website, then we would like to hail your serendipity with a hearty greeting ... Salute!

Welcome to the Website ... and Welcome to the Knowledge Base.

Thursday, November 26, 2020 was Launch Day for The BoK.

Over time the BoK will develop into a Library of information on a range of Topics and Genres, dedicated to: Your Own Website.

So, the door is open, come on in and chill-out ...

Introduction to 1.01 World Net

Welcome to 1.01 World Net: part of the 1.01 World Net BOK, a Knowledge Base of Stories, Articles and other Intriguing Stuff.

If this is your first visit to our humble website, then we would like to hail your serendipity with a hearty greeting ... Salute!

Welcome to the Website ... and Welcome to the Knowledge Base.

So, the door is open, come on in and chill-out ...

Ships on the Horizon

Waiting for our ship to come in ...

Our first Christmas in Western Australia.
A perfect day in an ideal location ...

What could possibly go wrong?

1.01 World Net

Publishing The BoK: Body of Knowledge

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